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October 05, 2002

I've got two releases that (I hope) are ready for prime time. I received an awesome new feature for uControl: Scroll Wheel Emulation, contributed by Alex Harper. Very cool for those of us that are stuck with a track pad.

The other release is the GBASDK. This one is significantly better than the last, which I felt still left you out in the wild granted you now had a compiler, but probably not that much closer to creating anything for your Gameboy. The credit for that goes to the SGADE community, which I found recently and asked whether they'd allow me to bundle it (the license allows for it explicitly, but I think it's always a nice gesture to ask). They developed a nice library for GBA programming with a liberal license and not only that, they also put together some very nice tutorials to help people get started.

Posted by shane at October 5, 2002 08:07 PM

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